About the event

Dear colleague,

Please join us at Eos Hotel, Adelaide, for the 25th Annual EP & Pacing Meeting.

The Electrophysiology and Pacing Meeting is one of the premier local education events in Australia and New Zealand for Electrophysiology Consultants and Fellows. The program explores a wide variety of electrophysiology topics through the presentation of rare and challenging cases, followed by audience participation, best-practice sharing and discussion on each case.

The meeting commences on Tuesday, 1 August with registration and a welcome dinner and concludes on Thursday, 3 August after lunch. We invite registrants to contribute a single-case presentation of 10 minutes to be submitted for approval and inclusion in the agenda, which will be segmented into the following categories: VT, AF, Device and other EP. Please ensure you indicate which category your case presentation falls into when you register.

We look forward to welcoming you to the 25th Annual EP & Pacing Meeting.

Dr Mike Davis, Perth Cardiovascular Institute, WA

A/Prof. Glenn Young, St Andrews Hospital, SA

25th EP & Pacing Meeting Chairs

All meals provided throughout conference period. 

1.5 days of EP, Pacing & ICD case presentations & open discussions.

2 nights' accommodation at the Eos Hotel, Adelaide.


Tuesday 1 August 2023

From 5:00pm - Registration

6:30pm - 9:00pm - Welcome dinner

Wednesday 2 August 2023

8:30am - 1:30pm - EP, Pacing & ICD case presentations

1:30pm - 2:30pm - Lunch

2:30pm - 4:00pm* - EP, Pacing & ICD presentations*
*Finish time subject to final agenda

7:00pm onwards - Conference dinner & case study discussions

Thursday 3 August 2023

8:30am - 12:30pm - Conference in session - EP, Pacing & ICD case presentations continue

12:30pm - Conference concludes followed by lunch


Eos Hotel
Festival Drive,
Station Rd,
SA 5000

P: 08 7077 3588


If you have received your invitation and would like to proceed through to registration, please register below. If you have not received an invitation, please request more information via: alana@libertyevents.com.au

Contact Us

Need more information? 

For more information regading the 25th Annual EP & Pacing Meeting please contact:

Alana Fitzpatrick at Liberty Events on +61 3 9694 8700 or alana@libertyevents.com.au